Fossils of a Ancient Human Skeletons at Maros

Famous for its cultural diversity and exotic tourism, Maros also has unique historical facts, namely about ancient humans.

Human skeletons in Maros were found in 2018 during archaeological excavations at the Leang Jarie Site, Maros Regency, South Sulawesi. This discovery was made by the prehistoric research team of the South Sulawesi Archaeological Center led by Budianto Hakim.

The results of C14 analysis at the University of Waikato Laboratory, New Zealand show that the human leang Jarie (LJ1) skeleton is 2700 BP (approximately 600 BC) and is considered the forerunner of the human ancestors of Moros and its surroundings who survived by utilizing lime gowa (karst). as a home and develop agriculture and livestock in addition to looking for food in the open by hunting.

The human skeleton is still well preserved in the original matrix in Leang Jarie, criticizing Simbang, Maros Regency.

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